DIY Digital Thermometer in Wireless Form Overview and explanation

Digital Thermometer in Wireless Form


This digital thermometer project uses any standard FM broadcast band radio at regular intervals in order to report the temperature.


An Atmel AT90S1200 is used to construct the prototype along with a modified low cost wireless microphone kit that function as the transmitter in order to save design time. The device can be used as standalone or as part of a PC-based weather station or HVAC system since it uses a simple low bit rate tone signaling scheme which can be interpreted easily by both machines and humans. The design allows the use of any inexpensive FM radio to monitor the temperature with easy set up of any number of monitoring locations.

There are various circuits used in this project including, the thermometer interface, audio interface, and power interface. The operation consists of applying power and tuning the unit to any unused FM channel. A 9V transistor radio battery was chosen since the 5V regulator used can accept any DC voltage between 5.5V-12V. A programs tests if larger or lesser and converts the binary format temperature output from the thermometer clip to a format that can be transmitted a digit at a time.


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