Circuit Bent Keychain Used to Make Easy Dub Siren Overview and explanation

Circuit Bent Keychain Used to Make Easy Dub Siren


Illustrated in this simple project is the creation of an Easy Dub Siren from a Circuit Bent Keychain along with a bunch of components.


The parts that would be needed to build the Easy Dub Siren include the 8-sound keychain, rotary switch for sound selector and 1MOhm Linear Potentiometer for controlling the pitch of the sound being played back. From the 2 momentary push button switches, one button will be used as a Mute by sending positive output from the instrument jack to the ground and the other will connect the ground to the rotary switch. Other components are solid core wire, rubber feet, 2 knobs, Rasta graphics for front panel, output jack, plastic enclosure, and AA/AAA battery holder.

The output jack is soldered to where the speaker was connected on the sound board and the battery compartment is connected to the 8-sound keychain board. The 1MOhm potentiometer replaces the pitch resistor and the 8 wires are connected to the button connection traces. Holes are drilled in the plastic box for the controls. If space is available inside, push buttons, potentiometer, and rotary switch are mounted in the case.


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