DIY Data Glove Interface Known as HandUSB Overview And Explanation

Data Glove Interface Known as HandUSB


The project can be considered as futuristic as a data glove which can be connected through USB instead of RS232 in order to become an alternative controller for the Pinch Glove fingertip contact glove.


A very small SubD adapter housing is used to fit this device as it supports USB standby and consumes low power with 20mA maximum. The device is much faster in responsiveness than the GL-8001 and may later support a USB remote wakeup feature. The project is the reconstruction of a Fakespace GL-8001 device with fully compatible serial interface through USB. The crystal and capacitors can be omitted using the updated V-USB driver. In place of single resistors and multi-diodes, resistor arrays were employed so that it will be easier to populate in case.

V-USB is the basis of writing the firmware where a serial port occurs ready for communication fully compatible to the original GL-8001 box when plugging this device. The baud rate setting is not critical as for V-USB-CDC projects while Windows and Linux have built-in drivers.

A representation of hand interaction is possibly used by Pinch gloves in order to productively work within 3D computer simulation.

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