5 Useful Green Electronic Tips

Electronic devices play a vital role in our day to day life. The usage of electronic devices is so high and we are unable to live without our computers, laptops, mobile phones, television etc. While the electronic devices give us loads and loads of enjoyment, the thrown out electronic equipments cause serious environmental pollution. Waste of electronic equipments is referred to as e-waste, which is being accumulated in our premises at an alarming rate.

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On these grounds the term “Green Electronics” gains importance. It refers to the intelligent usage of electronic equipments without causing wastage of electricity and environmental pollution. The following 9 green electronic tips furnished below will help you to go GREEN in the usage of electronic gadgets.

Tip 1: Avoid Phantom power loss

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Common people think that their electronic devices are not sucking electric power once switched off but not unplugged. But the fact is that there will be phantom power loss. That is pluggedelectronic devices will draw power even when they are switched off.


The straight forward solution to the above problem is to unplug the electronic devices when they are not in use.

There are devices available in the market which can be used for reducing phantom power loss. An example is SPARA.

Tip 2: Buy less power consuming devices

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Buy electronic devices by looking at their power consumption. Electronic products labelled with Energy Star, which is the international symbol for energy efficiency consume less power. So if you want a flat television go for the LCD stuff not the plasma one.

Tip 3: Use the right batteries

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Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries need less maintenance but they have to be discharged fully before recharging. Nickel-metal-hydride (NiMh) batteries are not that robust but no need to discharge them fully before recharging.

Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) or Lithium Ion Polymer (LiPo) batteries are the latest in the battle field of batteries. They outperform other batteries. But they are the most fragile.

Tip 4: Take the advantage of recycling

mobile phone recycling plant 5 Useful Green Electronic Tips
Electronic equipments thrown away cause serious issues. Many companies are taking back the used products to recycle. So give away your used equipments to such organizations and save our earth from e-waste. Also try reselling your electronics.

Tip 5: Go for EPEAT registered products

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EPEAT (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) is a new kind of certification for computers (CPU, monitors, notebooks etc). Buy EPEAT registered products.

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