24 VDC Power Supply with maximum Current 5A

Here's a 24 VDC power supply circuit with voltage input 20-30 Vcc. This power supply produces voltage output 13.5 VDC maximum current 5A.

The features capability of this 24 VDC power supply are protection against short circuit current, over temperature, over output voltage, and inversion polarity.

See 24 VDC Power Supply schematic below.

24 Volt DC Power Supply Schematic
Parts list of the 24 VDC Power Supply
C1 = 33uF 35V
C2 = 10 nf 50V
C3 = 10nF 50V
C4 = 33uF 35V
D1 = 1N5400
D2-D3 = 1N4004
D4 = Zener Diode 15V 5W
IC1 = IC2 = 7812
Fuse = 5A
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