150Watt Power Amplifier circuit with IC TDA7294

150W power amplifier circuit

150W power amplifier circuit

circuit review-diagram B above. It is almost identical, except for connections SIM have been removed and some signs of components have been displaced. 220UF 100nF Although I have shown how C1 3.3UF Electro bipolar, you can use the CAP polyester, if you want. If power will be used for serednochastotnyh or tweeter in the system biamped or triamped, C1 may be reduced by the cost 100nF (-3dB at 72Hz). For general use, you can use a 1uF polyester, giving-3dB frequency of 7.2Hz, but bass extension is better with a higher value, as shown.

New circuit boards can work as Dual Mono Power – PCB track can be divided, and each amplifier is powered by its own proposal. Although IMO not much sense, it also enables the PCB, halved and each half has its own power connector. The output connections can be made for printed circuit pin, or you can use to pay “shovel (AKA speed connection) LUG – Council provides regulations on this subject.

More details can be construction, purchase of PCBs, and all options are described in detail.

As you can see, there are provisions to use TDA7294 well. This circuit is almost identical, but a specification higher. There are links on the board to connect contacts 1 and 5 (it should not be connected to the TDA727). Use TDA7294, fees can run bridged (BTL or bridge tied load) to about 150 W at 8 ohms. I think P87B be used to provide phase signal is necessary for BTL operation. Although it is common to see AMP as a reversal, there is a very low resistance at first, and may lead to unacceptable pressures and possible distortion. P87B be managed separately by each amplifier, and the best way to control the amplifiers.While parallel operation is often recommended, I strongly recommend that you run the amps in parallel. There are very strict requirements for greater tolerance for parallel operation – usually amplifiers must correspond to 0.1% or more for all audio traffic and beyond. A very low output resistance of members, even inconsistencies 100mV (instantly, any voltage and frequency) can cause large amounts of current flowing through the circuits. Although 0.1Ω resistors are usually offered, inconsistencies 100mV voltage (0.15% at the peak voltage 60V) 0.5A cause a circulating current. This leads to overheating and protection of anger involved.

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