Active loudspeakers have a lot of advantages concerning simple loudspeakers that use passive components for the elements concretisation of segregation of frequencies. In the case of active loudspeakers we have, proportionally, bigger build cost, because each loudspeaker is led by his own power amplifier. In properly drawn active loudspeaker, the quality of sound is much better and the distortions very low, because it does not use inductors and large capacitors in the road of signal. All capacitors exist in the signal road, they have very small value and they are very good quality. This does not mean that one well drawn passive loudspeaker is not good, perhaps better than one active. On the contrary one active loudspeaker is enough difficult in the manufacture. In the [Fig.1], exist a circuit of 2-way active loudspeaker. As we see also in the Block diagram [Fig.2], exist one classic 2-way crossover with cross frequency fc=3100HZ [-24dB/oct]. This frequency was selected, because it is near in the cross frequency of many speakers of trade, it can however change and be adapted in your own speakers choice, it�s enough you use the types that give for calculation [Fig.3]. The IC1 makes the input adaptation, the filters round the IC2 creates a high-pass filter of frequencies, for frequencies above Fc=3100HZ, on the contrary the components round the IC3 creates a low-pass filter, for frequencies under 3100HZ. With the trimmer TR1 in the line of high frequencies we can adaptable, if it needs, the level between the two speakers. Usually it will need we lower at 10% the level tweeter concerning woofer. In a lot of points of filter exist capacitors and resistors that are not used, but are there for future changes, in a other cross frequency, as the R6 and R10 that are not used. To the next stage the two outputs of filter are drive to the two power amplifiers, the IC4 for the high frequencies and the IC5 for low. Those of are two hybrid IC by Sanyo, with output power 80W/8ohms, with very good characteristics and sound. It can become change with other type of series as STK4036, STK4038, STK4040, with proportional modification of power supply voltage. The particular line is used in enough active loudspeakers, with very good results. Good it�s used type STK4042XI, because it has more modern internal designing, concerning type STK404II. Filters RLF1-2 in the exit of amplifiers are constituted by resistor R27 or R38 and a inductor wounded round this, in three layers. The inductor is made with 25 until 30 coils of cupreous wire, diameter 1mm. In the amplifiers output exist the contacts of relay RL1, who is checked by the protection from DC and delay system. This circuit is found round the IC6 and works as follows: When the circuit is supplied exist a delay 5 sec in the connection speakers above in the amplifiers outputs, so that are not pass the charge capacitors noises. On the contrary when we break the power supply, then RL1 disconnect very fast the speakers from amplifiers, so that is not heard the discharge noise of capacitors. At the same time the circuit protects the speakers from DC voltages, that will be presented for any reason, in the output Of power amplifiers, opening the contacts of RL1 and disconnect, very fast the speakers. The circuit operation of protection/ delay becomes obvious from Led [D20], which should be placed in obvious point in the speakers box. The connections it appears in the Fig. 2. The transformer is toroidal, good quality. The main pcb, the heatsink, the transformer, the rectifier bridge BR1, as also all the components that appear except main pcb, are placed in a aluminium piece of suitable dimensions which is adapted in dimensions of the speakers box and is placed in the back side of box. Two power amplifiers IC4 and IC5 clinched above in the heatsink. The total performance of loudspeaker depends always from the characteristics of units Tweeter and Woofer, that will be used in this, also from the designing and the quality of the box. Older i used in the place tweeter the T33Α and woofer the B200G by KEF. |
R1-21-32-25-36-58=1 Kohms | C19-20-52=10uF 25V | IC1=TL071 | R2=47 Kohms | C21-35=470pF | IC2-3=TL072-NE5532 | R3-4-5-7-8-9-46=22 Kohms | C22-36=470nF 63V MKT | IC4-5=SKT4042[XI] or [II]*See text | R6-10=N.C *See text | C24-25-26-38-39-40=100pF | IC6=4093 | R11........18=22 Kohms | C27-41=10pF | IC7=7812T | R19-20=47 ohms | C28-42=100nF 100V MKT | IC8=7815T | R22-33=33 Kohms | C29-43=1nF 63V MKT | IC9=7915T | R23-24-34-35=100 ohms | C30-34-44-48=100uF 63V | RL1=Relay 12V [G2R2 Omron] | R26-37=0.22 ohms 5W | C31-45=220uF 25V | RLF1-2=*See text | R27-38=10 ohms 3W | C32-33-46-47=10uF 63V | F1-2-3-4=1.6A FAST 5X20mm | R28-39=6.8 ohms | C49=47uF 25V | F5=1A SLOW 5X20mm[Fig.2] | R29-40=12 Kohms | C50-51=100nF 63V MKT | T1=220V//A=2X30V 250VA B=2X15V 30VA [Toroidal] | R30-41-53-54=10 Kohms | C53=1uF 25V | R31-45=560 ohms | C54=3.3uF 25V | R44-45=1 Mohms | C55-56-58-59=33uF 63V | JF1=3pin male supply jack | R47=39 Kohms | C57-60=22uF 16V | JF2=Female RCA Jack | R48-50=15 Kohms | C61-62=15000uF 63V AXIAL | J1-3=2pin conn. with 2.54mm pin step | R49-51-52-55=56 Kohms | C63-64=2200uF 25V AXIAL | J2=3pin conn. with 2.54mm pin step | R56-57=3.9 Kohms | C65-66-67-68=100nF 63V MKT | J4=3pin conn. with 3.96mm pin step | R43=470 ohms 1W | Q1=BD679 | J5=4pin conn. with 3.96mm pin step | TR1=47 Kohms trimmer horizontal | Q2-3=BC550 | T=Tweeter 8ohms 50 until 80W | C1-22-36-23-37=1uF 63V MKT | D1-2-3-4=1N4002 | W=Woofer 8ohms 50 until 100W | C2=390pF | D5=8.2V 0.5W Zener | BR1=Bridge rect. 400V 25A [Fig.2]* See text | C3-4-7-8-14-15=100nF 63V MKT | D6=1N4148 | BR2=Bridge rect. 100V 1.5A | C5-6-9-10-11-12=3.3nF 63V MKT* See text | D7.....19=1N4148 | All resistors is 0.5W 1% metal film except for announce differently | C13-16-17-18=3.3nF 63V MKT*See text | D20=5mm LED [Fig.2] |
| SPECIFICATIONS | Input sensitivity | 1.1Vrms | Input impedance | 47K | Output Power (0.1% THD) | 150W total | Frequency crossover | 3100HZ | slope | -24dB/oct |
Fig.3--Crossover calculation