How it works:
Choose one key on your remote controller (from tv, video or similar), memorized it following a simple procedure and with that key you will able to turn ON or OFF any electrical device you wish. So, with every short press of that key, you change the state of relay in receiver (Ir-switch). Memorizing remote controller key is simple and you can do it following this procedure: press key on Ir-switch and led-diode will turn ON. Now you can release key on Ir-switch, and press key on your remote controller. If you do that, led-diode will blink, and your memorizing process is finished.
To make this device will be no problem even for beginners in electronic, because it is a simple device and uses only a few components. On schematic you can see that you need microcontroller PIC12F629, ir-receiver TSOP1738 (it can be any type of receiver TSOP or SFH) and for relay you can use any type of relay with 12V coil.
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Click here to download source code for PIC12F629-675 . To extract the archive use this password