110V converter to convert 12V DC voltage from the battery into 110V or 220V AC

12V to 110V Converter

The meaning here is the 110V converter to convert 12V DC voltage from the battery into 110V or 220V AC. Let us call this the DC to AC inverter. Why is that, because the term converter is usually devoted to a type of voltage conversion, for example, from AC to AC through a transformer, or DC to DC using an electronic circuit for it.
240V/220V to 120V/110V converter is better known as the step-up or step-down voltage converter. To convert AC voltage (AC) is very easy, just use a transformer that has the specifications mentioned above. With proper wiring, you have to use the tools immediately.
We return to our original topic, which is the 110V converter. For that we need a 12V car battery as a source, and through a converter chart below, we expect the output 110V AC voltage, which can be used to run any electronic equipment that requires AC power voltage as the source.
In this article, 110V converter details are not discussed because it was already explained in previous articles. That is just the key points that the 12V inverter or 110V converter can be used in power load to 120 Watts. The selected transformer capacity of 10A (P = VxI, 120×10 = 120W). However, this also needs to be adjusted towith the power MOSFETs used in this converter circuit if you use a transformer with a larger ampere.
Necessary components in this converter circuit, in addition to passive components, such as the diodes, resistor, capacitors and other consist of CMOS Hex Inverter IC CD4069UB used to generate the square wave. For a given voltage to the IC is an IC regulator 7805 will be used.
110V Converter Circuit Schematic
110V Converter Circuit Schematic
Square wave will be amplified by the transistor 2SC1815 and forwarded to the final amplifier in the form of a pair of transistor MOSFET 2SJ471 and 2SK2956. By using a transformer that passed through the 12V voltage is fed to the Drain (D) MOSFETs to convert DC to AC voltage on the transformer primary coil. The current will flow alternatively in through the primary windings of the transformer since the MOSFET is configured as bridge.
If you want to modify the 220V/110v converter circuit, please learn more about the principles of  electrical voltage conversion. Because what you find in this article are the basic stage
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