What electronics tutorials on line help is available to become a licensed Amateur Radio Operator?

This site offers some very useful and particularly comprehensive electronics tutorials to help you on your way toward becoming an amateur radio operator. Please feel free to fully explore our site.

Of course many of these electronics tutorials are applicable to experienced constructors as well as advanced electronics students looking for electronics tutorials.

Many other sites also cater for people seeking to become amateur radio operators and conduct electronics tutorials.

Just what is Amateur Radio?

The amateur radio fraternity comprises hundreds of thousands of people world wide who share a very broad common interest. Amateur radio operators come from very diverse backgrounds and age groups. Ranging from adolescents to senior citizens, boys and girls, men and women - amateur radio operators include doctors, bus drivers, vetinary surgeons, painters, engineers, homemakers, university professors, students, politicians, labourers, lawyers and the retired as well as the unemployed, there are no limits to backgrounds.

Somewhere in this wide world there are people with similar interests and backgrounds to yourself who also just happen to be amateur radio operators.

Amateur radio operators are entitled to communicate with one another world wide in accordance with the level of licensing the amateur radio operator has achieved.

What does Amateur Radio Operating entitle me to?

Depending upon your level of licensing for your particular country you might communicate by television, digital communication in conjunction with your computer, by satellite, by traditional high or very high frequency communication using FM, single sideband or more demanding, by morse code. The choice is yours. It depends on your area of interest as an amateur radio operator.

What do I need to do to become a licensed Amateur Radio Operator?

Find out the licensing requirements for amateur radio operators at your location, in particular establish the provisions for sitting for examinations to become an amateur radio operator. Next find out if there are any amateur radio clubs in your locality - the amateur radio operators at these clubs will offer you no end of help provided you approach them in a sensible way. All amateur radio operators remember when they first needed the same help you are now asking for but, remember self help comes first.

Demonstate to your new amateur radio operator friends that you are prepared to put in a bit of work on your own behalf and mainly you need advice, tuition and guidance to pass your exams. Above all else be polite.

Good amateur radio operators are always polite.

Good Luck and please do join us - you will be glad you did - it's real fun.

Ham Radio education

Anyone starting out in ham radio needs a copy of the ham radio bible. It's called "The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs - 2009.

The latest is the 80th edition. It is not called the "electronics bible" for nothing. I have several editions as far back as 1943.

The mammoth 1216 pages translate theory into practice through the large variety of hands-on-projects packed into THE ARRL HANDBOOK. From Antennas to Zener diodes, Transceivers to Switching Power Supplies, HF and VHF Propagation to Power Amplifiers—it’s covered in this edition. Among the newest material is a chapter on digital signal processing, a remote-controlled automatic antenna switch and computer hardware.

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